Beginning June 22, 2021, work to locate underground utilities will begin in the parking areas immediately north and west of the Moran Eye Center (see diagram above). Disruption from this project is anticipated to be minor, with some parking stalls becoming unavailable during the work. The utilities themselves will be unaffected and the pedestrian walkways and traffic flow in the area will remain fully operational.
The work will include fencing off the impacted areas so a vacuum truck can expose utility lines running under the ground. Once the lines are identified, the ground will be replaced. The vacuum truck produces little-to-no vibration and noise levels similar to a large truck or a running generator.
The utilities are being located in preparation for the eventual construction of a sky bridge running over Mario Capecchi Drive that will connect HELIX with the rest of the Health Sciences campus and University Hospital. The work will be done in phases and is due to be completed in 5-6 weeks.